I believe we all have the right to live a life of ease, peace and embodiment, no matter what is going on around us
It has been a difficult few years with the emergence of Covid 19. During a crisis we tend to speed up (busy monkey mind) as we try to find ways to live amidst uncertainty. However, a crisis can also be seen as an opportunity for reflection - a moment to slow down, pause and be present so true reflection can occur. You might be wondering (or want to have the time to wonder):
Am I living the life I want to live?
Am I being the person I want to be in my life?
Who am I? What is my identity?
What does it mean to be human in this pandemic/endemic world?
Why am I here?
What is my purpose?
Am I living life with meaning?“
And if you feel there just might be more to this life you are given, keep reading.
I love to support those who are busy, possibly caring for others (formally or informally) or just feeling they are missing something in their lives, to slow down and find s p a c e and ease. As I undergo my own journey with cancer, I am becoming more passionate about how the practices can support those of us living with chronic health conditions.
I am passionate about teaching slow, healing, embodied practices in a caring, safe, online environment.
I love empowering others to reconnect to themselves and increase body-mind resiliency to face whatever challenges life imposes with grace and equanimity.
These practices are important to me as I consider myself a “Type A in recovery” (i.e. a busy stressed person trying to live a life that is less stressed and busy!).
These are the practices that help me return home to myself and what I need every day. I’m hoping that you will find them useful too.
I have been a Registered Psychologist for 30 years. I love empowering people to live the best lives they can. I work holistically with both body and mind and completed my first 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2015. Since then I have completed more than 1000 hours of additional training in yoga, psychology, meditation and somatic therapies. I’d love to share this with you.
Are you living the life you want to be living? Or do you think there could be more for you? Are you ready to live life differently? Then come join me online with a membership to the Online Sanctuary!
This is not simply another online yoga membership. Instead, this is a journey.....a journey of self inquiry and self discovery where you will take the time to explore your embodied self and get to know YOU, and return to your homeground of stillness, ease and wholeness.
My focus is on creating thoughtful and useful practices that you can do in your own time and space - practices to enhance thriving and wellbeing - whether you are unwell (cancer, long covid, ME, fibromyalgia or living with a different autoimmune related disease) and wanting to increase your wellbeing or just wanting to find that space of thriving in your life - a place where you feel full of vitality and wellbeing.
My current training and focus is on working with the lymphatic system to increase immune functioning and wellbeing. This includes practices of gentle movement with a focus on the lymphatic system as well as self lymphatic massage.
I also offer self paced courses to help you deepen your practice.
Any of the self paced courses or the Online Sanctuary membership are for you if you have a desire to:
increase your body-mind resiliency so you don’t feel so overwhelmed by life and the challenges it throws your way
regulate your own nervous system in this COVID 19 endemic era so you don’t go through your daily life feeling on edge, irritated and quick to be frustrated or annoyed. Instead you may feel calm and at peace, no matter what is going on around you
undergo a process of self inquiry and self discovery through reflection and journaling so you get to know what YOU want, what YOU like, and learn your habitual body-mind patterns which play out unconsciously in the way you respond to yourself and others
get to know yourself from the inside out so you can recognize the subtle messages your body is telling and be able to respond from that place eg say no, set boundaries, notice perfectionism/anxiety/stress when it is setting in and respond sooner rather than later
slow down and find more s p a c e in your life so life feels less stressful and overwhelming even when you are busy and being challenged
improve your sleep so you have more energy during the day to do the things you really care about and that support you
reduce anxiety and stress which in turn reduces inflammation and the impact of many auto-immune diseases and other diseases of disembodiment
explore your purpose and meaning, your identity, which means you can live the life you want to live with increased happiness and satisfaction
increase your coping skills and ability to meet challenging situations by responding rather than reacting
learn in a safe, supported, connected online environment which enhances learning and the ability to feel the impact of the practices
learn in a trauma informed space where everything is a choice and based on what you feel which can lead to feelings of empowerment in other spaces and places
explore your own embodiment as as talking therapist prior to working with clients more holistically so you can “walk the talk” with your clients
"The only journey is the one within.”
Rainer Maria Rilke Letters to a young poet
What people say about me and my offerings:
You have a wonderful demeanour that allows your own light to inspire your students to what you’ve got and therefore to what you do.
Sandra is very ‘real’ and puts everyone at ease. She is also a life-long learner and constantly updating and improving her knowledge and practise.
“Sandra’s classes are amazing. I feel well rested and so much calmer afterward. A two hour class is better for me than a whole week’s holiday.
“Sandra has a beautiful voice that guides you through gentle movement, breathing and meditation leaving you feeling completely relaxed and energised at the same time. Her warm and welcoming presence will make you feel at ease the moment you walk in the door”
"Sandra leads a wonderfully relaxing Restorative yoga and iRest class. Both Sandra’s professional career and considerable experience teaching yoga ensure that her classes flow very smoothly and flawlessly. Her gentle, kind manner and soothing voice are perfectly suited to this style of yoga. Her classes at well-respected studios in Auckland always sell out. I cannot recommend Sandra’s classes highly enough, she “walks the talk” and is truly authentic in the work that she does."
There really does seem to be something about this yoga nidra / irest thing that makes a significant difference in how I feel, not just in class but also seeping into my experience of everyday life too. I'm not sure I could put my finger on exactly what is changing, but something is / has.